
In Ketchikan the governor signed SB 33 which names the two ferries currently under construction at the state-owned shipyard. State law requires our ferries to be named after glaciers and the two new vessels will be named Tazlina […]


At the Ketchikan Public Library with Deer Mountain in the background, Governor Walker signed SB 88 into law. This legislation completes a land transfer between the USFS and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. As I’ve stated before, […]


On August 11th, I addressed the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce. Most of my presentation focused on the state’s budget/fiscal position and why we need to transition to a POMV payout of the Permanent Fund. Read more here.


On August 14, 2017, Senate President Pete Kelly announced that I will now chair the Legislative Budget & Audit Committee (LB&A).  The LB&A committee is one of two permanent interim committees of the Alaska State Legislature, the other […]


I am very concerned with the federal flood zone program and its impacts on property owners in Sitka and Southeast Alaska.  Participation in the program subjects Southeast Alaskans to arbitrary and changing flood zones at the whim of […]