
I was pleased to hear that the U.S. Forest Service recently awarded a contract for the Big Thorne timber sale to Viking Lumber Co. on Prince of Wales Island.  The contract will allow Viking Lumber to log almost […]


On October 18th, Julie Isom from my Ketchikan office had the opportunity to attend the 5th Annual Women Who Rock event at the Craig Tribal Center.  Congratulations to the seven outstanding ladies (pictured above) who were honored by […]


On September 18-21, I attended the Energy Council’s 2014 annual meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Energy Council does most of its work during four quarterly meetings that rotate among member states and Canadian provinces.  Participating in the Council […]


As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, I was recently appointed to serve on the National Petroleum Council, a federally chartered advisory committee to the U.S. Secretary of Energy with respect to any matter involving oil and natural gas.  […]


On August 21st, I joined about 80 other Sitkans to participate in the Sawmill Creek Road Completion Celebration at Gary Paxton Industrial Park.  It was a beautiful day for the celebration and a picnic lunch hosted by the […]