
The Legislature met in joint-session this week to consider the Governor’s nominees to state boards and commissions. The State of Alaska has over 100 boards and commissions that involve Alaskans in the civic and commercial processes of government.  Alaskans […]


Today, the Senate unanimously passed the state’s fiscal year 2013 Capital Budget, Senate Bill 160.  The budget appropriates $2.63 billion, including $1.8 billion in state funds and $830 million in federal funds. The bill is one of the […]


Today the Senate Finance Committee released its version of the state’s Capital Budget, Senate Bill 160.  In my role as Co-Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, I am responsible for presiding over the Senate’s work on the budget.  The […]


Today the Alaska State Senate unanimously passed the fiscal year (FY) 2013 Operating Budget, (House Bill 284). In my role as Senate Finance Co-Chair, I have worked with colleagues to ensure the Senate’s mission of ‘Savings before Spending’ is implemented […]


Today, the Senate Finance Committee introduced and adopted a new version of the Senate’s oil tax bill, Senate Bill (SB) 192.  The Senate Finance Committee built on work done by the Senate Resources Committee earlier this session on […]