
Today I introduced SB 88 to facilitate a land trade between the Alaska Mental Health Trust and the U.S. Forest Service. In this trade, the state of Alaska will receive nearly 20,000 acres available for timber harvesting for […]


SB 21 (2017) Bill presentation: Press Release on SB 21 (2017):


The Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker has declared a fisheries disaster for Alaska pink salmon. I am thankful Governor Walker agreed to my request to include the Southeast Alaska pink salmon fishery in his request to Secretary Pritzker. […]


Department of Transportation and Sitka Reach Agreement On Pedestrian Safety Crosswalk The State Department of Transportation (DOT) and the City of Sitka have reached an agreement that will improve the crosswalk at the intersection of Halibut Point Road […]


I applaud Governor Walker for asking the federal government to review and grant disaster relief for the Southeast Alaska pink salmon fishery.  Governor Walker also directed the state Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to consider loan […]