
On the week of March 4th, I traveled to Washington D.C. to preside over the Energy Council’s 2013 Federal Energy and Environmental Matters Conference. As the Chairman of the Energy Council, I was pleased with the level of attendance and the impressive line-up of presenters that spoke to the Council. We had a very interesting meeting on energy exploration in the arctic where we heard a presentation from our very own Dr. Mark Myers, the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. We also heard a report from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Mr. Chris Smith. I was particularly interested in a presentation from Mr. Adam Sieminski, the Administrator for the U.S. Energy Information Administration. He said the Administration is forecasting the price of oil to increase to $150 per barrel within the next few years. There were many other notable presentations and break-out meetings during the four day conference. I’d like to thank all the presenters for their contribution and I also want to thank all the participants from the 12 member states and 4 Canadian provinces. My sincere thanks to Ms. Lori Cameron, the Energy Council’s Executive Director, for organizing the conference and assisting me in making it another informative and successful event.


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