
This morning, the Senate Finance Committee heard testimony from three resource industry trade and support groups on Senate Bill (SB) 192, the oil and gas tax bill.

The Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA), Alaska Support Industry Alliance, and the Resource Development Council for Alaska (RDC) presented their thoughts on SB 192 and answered Committee questions.

Committee members also heard testimony from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC).  AOGCC is an independent, quasi-judicial state agency that oversees all oil, gas, and geothermal development on state lands.  Their testimony was specific to the SB 192 provision that would create a Public Information Management System managed by AOGCC.

Presentations and audio from today’s hearing are available online.

Next Monday, March 19, the Senate Finance Committee will hear public testimony on SB 192.  On Wednesday, industry testimony will continue as BP, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil will have an opportunity to weigh in on SB 192.


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