
Senate Bill 60, regarding sea otter population management was stopped in the Senate Judiciary Committee.  I will continue to work on a solution to this problem during the interim and bring back a new proposal next session.  Now […]


Earlier this week, I had the privilege of presenting my oil tax bill to the Senate Resources Committee.  Senate Bill 192 proposes to amend deficiencies in Alaska’s petroleum production tax, establishing a more reasonable, balanced and sustainable production […]


Today, the Senate passed its version of the FY15 capital budget bill.  The $2.1 billion budget includes $1.1 billion in federal funding and $1 billion in state funding.  In spite of the limited funds available compared to past years, […]


Today, the Senate passed Senate Bill 201, an act regarding criminal trespass by a vote of 17 yeas and 2 nays.  I introduced this bill earlier this session to amend the criminal trespass statutes as it relates to […]


Yesterday I voted against Senate Bill 138, the Governor’s proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Pipeline Project.  My vote against SB 138 was not a vote against a natural gas pipeline.  Like most Alaskans, I support the construction of a […]