
Ucore Rare Metals, Inc. (Uncore), has announced (January 30, 2018) that Ketchikan will be the location of its Strategic Metals Complex (SMC or plant). Since 2006 Ucore has worked on developing the Bokan Mountain – Dodge Ridge Rare […]


As the Senator representing most of the coastal communities throughout Southeast Alaska, I am very concerned about federal efforts to create new and larger flood zone area maps in several of our communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency […]


PETERSBURG – Gov. Bill Walker today signed Senate Bill 28 into law. SB 28 was sponsored by Sen. Bert Stedman (R-Sitka) to increase the Petersburg Borough’s land entitlement to 14,666 acres. When the Petersburg Borough was created by […]


The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) held their annual convention in Anchorage, Alaska and I had the privilege of attending this year’s event. AFN is always a great time because I get to see old friends, enjoying the […]


On August 10, 2017, I welcomed Governor Bill Walker and First Lady Donna Walker to Sitka for a bill signing event.  I then traveled with them to Ketchikan for additional bill signings. It’s always a pleasure to have […]