
Last week I traveled to Washington, DC to attend the Energy Council’s annual conference. The Energy Council is a legislative organization with members from 11 states, five provinces, and the country of Venezuela. Several Alaskan lawmakers also made […]


Today, the Senate Finance Committee began hearings on Senate Bill (SB) 192, which would make changes to Alaska’s oil and gas tax laws. The Committee heard an introductory presentation from Senate Resources Committee Co-Chair Senator Joe Paskvan, who played […]


This week I wrote an op-ed piece for distribution to Alaska media regarding reform of Alaska’s petroleum tax system.  This is one of the largest issues of this legislative session.  In the article below I reiterate my stance on past and proposed reforms and highlight […]


Addressing the high cost of energy in Alaska is one of my top priorities.  Infrastructure investments and effective public policy can play significant roles in saving Alaskan businesses and households money. As part of our evaluation of the Governor’s FY2013 Capital Budget, […]


This week the Senate Finance Committee is reviewing the Governor’s FY2013 Capital Budget.  In my role as Co-Chair of the Finance Committee, I am responsible for presiding over the Senate’s examination and revision of the budget. The Capital […]